In order for insect cultivation to sustainably augment the global supply of protein, more work is needed to identify species and design processes that capture protein from scalable, low-value organic side-streams, which are not currently consumed by conventional livestock.
An Exploration on Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Production by Insect Species Suitable for Animal or Human Consumption(2010年論文)
Comparison of Diets for Mass-Rearing Acheta domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) as a Novelty Food, and Comparison of Food Conversion Efficiency with Values Reported for Livestock(1991年論文)
Paper I – Halloran A., Vantomme P., Hanboonsong Y., Ekesi S. 2015. Regulating entomophagy: the challenge of addressing food security, nature conservation, and the erosion of traditional food culture, Food Security, 7 (3): 739-746.
Paper II – Halloran, A., Roos, N., Eilenberg, J., Cerutti, A., Bruun, S. 2016. Life cycle assessment of edible insects for food protein: A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36: 57.
Paper III – Halloran, A., Roos, N., Hanboonsong., Bruun, S. 2017. Life cycle assessment of cricket farming in north-eastern Thailand. Journal of Cleaner Production. 156: 83-94.
Paper IV – Halloran A., Roos N., Hanboonsong Y. 2017. Cricket farming as a livelihood strategy in Thailand. Geographical Journal, 183 (1): 112–124.
Paper V – Halloran, A., Oloo, J., Ochieng Konyole, S., Ayieko, M., Roos, N. Awareness and adoption of cricket farming in Kenya. Submitted to Rural Studies.